Wednesday I meet Nick and the toddler for lunch. The toddler loves rice and chicken so we decided to go to the local Mongolian Grill Restaurant. It is one of those restaurants where you get a bowl, put in the veggies, meat and sauce and the cooks make the meal in front of you on a large round grill. Once the meat and veggies are ready you have the choice of white or fried rice. This was my first visit as a Gluten Free eater.
When we arrived I asked our waiter to find out if any of the sauces were Gluten Free. He said he had an uncle with Celiac so he knew what I needed. He returned a couple minutes later with what I feared would be the answer – all the sauces have Gluten.
Un-detered I headed for the buffet to fill my bowl. The first thing I did was scanned for Gluten items so I knew what to avoid. I had a veggie bowl with: broccoli, carrots, zucchini, pineapple, onion and potatoes. My meat bowl had chicken and two eggs. I walked by the sauce section. When the cook was about to make my meal I got his attention and asked him to use clean utensils because I had food allergies. He nicely accommodated my request. When it was time to pick a rice I said “white” even though everything in me was screaming for the fried rice!
I know this looks like a big mess of food but I have to stay it was super tasty! I did add some salt for more flavor. I love a big pile of meat, veggies and rice! Besides what the toddler ate I cleaned my plate.
Next time we visit this restaurant I will be prepared with my own GF Soy Sauce. I need to find the single serving packets of GF Soy Sauce to take with me to Asian restaurants. I know they have them because Pei Wei gives them out.
I was concerned about cross-contamination on the buffet and the grill but I didn’t have any Gluten reactions. So I think I’m safe! Survived another Gluten Free restaurant experience!
Anyone know where I can find the single serving packets of GF Soy Sauce?
Whole Foods carries the single packets of GF soy sauce.