We have three blessings also known as children. “Curly” is our four year old daughter who is so smart and tender hearted. She will talk your ear off! We also have boy/girl 18 month old twins. “Little A” is our son and full of energy. He is the definition of a boy – makes noises, climbs and destroys. “Little B” is our sweet, laid back daughter. She is happiest organizing toys quietly by herself.
My Celiac Diagnosis showed up two months before I found out we were pregnant with the twins. So I had a Gluten Free pregnancy and kept the twins Gluten Free for 10 months to decrease their chances of getting Celiac. During the twins’ 18 month check up this past week we brought up our concerns about Little B’s size with the doctor. She is small and always has been. She is in the 5% for size. I expressed that I thought she might have Celiac and that could be contributing to her size and runny diapers. The doctor said she is too little for a blood test to give us a true diagnosis so we should take her off Gluten for two months as a test. So Tuesday May 21st Little B went Gluten Free like Mommy!
Eating Gluten Free as an adult isn’t so bad once you get used to it. However I have found that keeping a picky 1.5 year old Gluten Free is a challenge. Our house is already filled with lots of GF snacks, bread, pasta, and cereal so that helps a ton! We have made two grocery store runs for more “kid-friendly” GF treats.
Here are some of the things she’s been enjoying:
Glutino Crackers
Glutino Vanilla Creme Cookies
Schar Cheese Bites
Schar Honeygrams
Mi Del Arrowroot Cookies
Chobani Yogurt
We aren’t even a week in and we have seen a change in the diaper area which rocks! We will do a weight check in a month and I’ll let you know how it goes!
I would love any GF food suggestions from parents feeding GF kids.
Hi Pam! I pray this gluten free trial gives good healthy results for your little one.My 4 year old is also gluten free since 2 months old its how I found out I needed to be gluten free.I was very sick for several years before having her and none of the five Dr.’s I went to really knew why, so they wanted to give me a hysterectomy,needless to say I didn’t let them so after giving birth to my daughter when she was 2 months old she started having severe stomach pains similar to mine we thought maybe colic until her stools became bloody and she had a terrible rash all over her body.When I took her in to the Dr. she suggested that I stop eating wheat/gluten so I did just that and all her symptoms went away after a week and mine also went away too, I was amazed and happy that after several years I finally knew what was wrong with me. Being gluten free is pretty easy for us since we’ve been doing it for 4 1/2 years. It gets a little tricky when we go to party’s or family functions and my daughter can’t eat what the other kids are eating, but I always try to be prepared with having a stash of food she can eat.
Thanks so much for sharing your story! I didn’t realize your 4 yr old was also GF! Its always amazing how doctors totally miss Celiac Disease! I can see how party’s will be hard. We have two birthday parties this week so I plan to bring our own cupcakes and snacks. We’ll see how it goes!
Yes Pam she is, If I hadn’t been breastfeeding her and found out that way I probably would still be sick, she’s also allergic to dairy, tree nuts, all meat except lamb, fish and eggs so its a little harder for her sometimes but we’ve found lots of yummy options for her through trial and error lol.
If you ever need suggestions, I’m always here. I’ve kept my now 3.5 year old daughter GF since she was born! One of our favorite GF lunches is a GF corn tortilla used as a pizza shell with sauce and cheese…it’s like a thin crust pizza when baked in the oven.
Wow on 3.5 years! Did you do that just because you thought she’d have CD or something else? I will definitely make your tortilla pizzas! Those sound amazing!