Virtuous Living is a fabulous company that makes three spice blends. The spices are Gluten Free, Kosher, Non-GMO, organic and awesome! I literally use these spices weekly! There are 2 savory and 1 sweet blend.
I use the LOVE for veggies and pork dishes. I use the HOPE for chicken, beef and as a general season-all. I put the FAITH in pancake batter, on toast or bagels. I have gone through 5 bottles in less than a year! When we go on family vacations I bring the sample sizes with me to cook with.
Here is my full review of their spices.
Also big congratulations to Virtuous Living for getting shelf space at Wegman’s and Whole Foods!
Here are the full details for the month long giveaway. Today’s winner will receive the Virtuous Trio. Winner will be drawn at 9:30pm EST.
Enter below for more prizes:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I’m a newbie. I was diagnosed by blood work and biopsies the day before Thanksgiving. Not a fun way to start the holidays but sites like this have helped make it much, much easier!!! Thank you for all that you do.
I’ve been gf for almost four years. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
I’ve been gluten free about 5 years.
I’ve been gluten-free since March 1, 2013. Still learning, but feeling much better!
I’ve been diagnosed with celiac for a few years, but I fought the diagnosis and wanted to eat gluten anyway. The last 9 months I have been very strict about my diet and feel much better!!
Hank you for your help and advice!
I was diagnosed October 2012. It is a struggle due to all of my other food intolerance issues. Staying away from gluten is easuntio you have to also stay away from soy, legumes, dairy citrus, and others.
It will be a year in May since I realized my gluten intolerance.