Today marks the 9 year anniversary of when I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I still remember where I was, who was with me, and how I felt. I even remember the last gluten food item I ate, it was a cinnamon roll from Ikea!

That phone call changed my life. I now had an answer for why food was my enemy. For why my body was so messed up.
Going gluten free wasn’t easy but I went 100% all in! I haven’t had gluten, on purpose, in 9 years.
During these past 9 years I have met some of the most amazing people! I’ve been blessed to travel the US to talk to thousands of people living gluten free to offer advice and support. I’ve written 6 books, 2 of which made the Amazon Best Seller list thanks to YOUR help!

I recently went to my doctor and had a new upper endoscopy done. The doctor said that if he didn’t know I had Celiac Disease he wouldn’t have been able to tell. My small intestines are healed with happy villi.
I still struggle, still get sick when exposed to gluten, still suffer from the anxiety of social settings. And I still always know where the closest bathroom is, just in case.
Two days ago we were at the grocery store and my son looked at me and said “I wish you were gluten mommy”. I replied, “Me too”. Life sure would be easier! But…
Living gluten free has been a blessing for my family. Two months after going gluten free, with my body actually working for once, we got pregnant with twins. We have 3 healthy kids who are understanding and mostly patient with having a gluten free mom.

We have tested all 3 of our kids for Celiac Disease. Our oldest is good but the twins carry the Celiac Disease gene. We even did a scope of our youngest daughter in 2019 to make sure it hadn’t popped up. Right now our children eat gluten outside the home and show no reaction. But we monitor it and are prepared to run tests IF anything changes.
I want to personally thank each one of you for being part of this journey. I couldn’t do it without you!
Here are some of my all time favorite recipes!
Here is your FREE anniversary gift!
One Dish Meals Ebook!
Just go here and it is yours!
Hi Congrats it has been 7 years for me. I found fresh gluten free pasta and it is great Depumas Gluten Free Pasta try it as it is really good.
Awesome! I’ll look for it.