I almost peed my pants and almost said a bad word in front of the kids today! Want to know why??? ImaCeliac.com has been nominated for the Best Gluten Free Blog of the year by Gfreek.com and to make me run around the house screaming my cook book was nominated for Best Gluten Free Cook Book too!

Shut the front door! My name is in the same space as Simple Gluten Free, the Celiac Diva, Gluten-Free Goddess, Erin Smith’s Gluten-Free Fun, Gluten-Free Girl, Gluten Dude, Celiac and the Beast and others! Just to have my blog recognized and listed with our communities’ greatest bloggers made my year. I plan on getting two votes: one from me and one from my mom. Beyond that I expect you all to be honest and vote for all the other people š
Greek.com creates an awesome award program every year. Not only does it highlight some awesome Gluten Free products and people it also donates money to the Best Gluten-Free Non-Profit Organization of the year. The best part is YOU get to pick the winners! Please take five minutes and vote for the brands you love and use in your house!
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