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Any other “road warriors” out there? Anyone else travel a lot for work?

I’m on the road typically once a month to visit clients or speak, so I have had to learn how to adapt on the go. Here are my top tips for eating gluten free while traveling for business.
- Plan ahead – let people know you are GF
- Find a grocery story
- Use Find Me Gluten Free app
- Have GF snack delivered to my hotel
Let me go into detail on all of these.
If you are attending an event, notify the event host that you have food restrictions. This is an easy email to send. I suggest sending this at least 2 weeks in advance so they have time to prepare. If you are hesitant, know that you are NOT a bother and NOT a problem. You deserve to have safe food to eat. Here is a sample email that I have used countless times:
“Hello (event host),
I’m looking forward to attending the (event name) on (date). I just wanted to let you know that for medical reasons I can only eat (food restriction) food. For any meals included in the event please let the caterer know. If this is a problem, please let me know so I can plan to have my own food brought in.
If you can let me know the name of the person in charge of food, I will find them prior to any meal and happily clarify my needs.”
I have used this email soooo many times. I actually have built relationships with the chef and wait staff at a number of venues that know me by name and let me know what I can and cannot eat. At an event in August the manager actually said, “this lunch is for you! Everything is Gluten Free!” I gave him a big smile and filled my plate.
If there is a grocery store within walking distance of your event it is worth the walk to get a few safe items. I typically get a few protein sources and easy breakfast food. I also request to have a mini-fridge in my hotel room. If a grocery store is not near by see tip #4.

#3 Find Me Gluten Free App
When I travel the FindMeGlutenFree app is my BFF. BTW I get nothing for promoting this app.
It is THE TOOL to find safe places to eat when you travel, because it is crowd sourced data. You can see what restaurants are close to you
#4 Have Gluten Free Snacks Delivered to Your Hotel
I use Instacart (use this link or code: PJORDAN19EBC for $20 off) to get groceries delivered to my hotel. If my hotel room has a mini-fridge, I am all set.
Here are some basic items that I order:
- Protein Drinks – I like these
- Protein Bars – Like these
- Gluten Free Crackers
- Veggies – carrot sticks and per-cut celery
- Hummus
- Gluten Free Greek Yogurt
- Gluten Free oatmeal cups – I use the rooms office maker to get the hot water! – These are easy to find
- Gluten Free Sandwich meat
- Sliced cheese
- Mixed nuts
My main goal is to be able to cover breakfasts every morning and lunch if I have to. The yogurt and oatmeal cups take care of breakfasts and the meat, cheese and crackers can cover lunch if needed. The protein bars and shakes I use for a mid-morning snack because I find many business events have later lunch times.

Once you enter your hotel’s address into Instacart, the app will show what options are close by. I place my order and in the notes section write, “I am staying at the _______ hotel. When you arrive message me and I will meet you in the hotel lobby.” The delivery people are always able to get me my food easily!
I hope these tips help you as you travel for work or for pleasure!
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